Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Biggest Loser: The Contradiction of Society

The Biggest Loser. aka The "fatty show", the man "titty show". People love to watch this TV show. A show about obese people baring it all on TV to win money, to lose weight, and to cheer each other on. Now that's entertainment. A man boob here and a man boob there.

Should this really be a TV show? Is not the entire point of the show to be active? To get off the couch? But week after week, millions of people tune in, to sit on their couch, maybe grab a nice refreshing soda, oh, hey, a bag chips will do and maybe some chocolate too. And all that's left to do, is watch "reality". Watch a show that is probing you to not watch it at all. To stop watching TV, get off the couch and DO. And by do I don't mean start eating crap. It is so astounding. Oh, this show is motivating alright, motivating to watch next week and do it (the contradiction) again and again.

I think the most productive and honest remedy for this contradiction is, if some how, you had to plug your own scale into the TV each week and see what kind of loser you are!

The Biggest Loser or a Big Loser.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getter Done!

There is a saying that is becoming more popular, it is, "Getter Done!"

Too often, too much, too many times we pass the buck. Put it off. Leave the Dish in the Sink. Don't take the time or put in the effort, or even take the initiative. We are Sheep. Dumb, pathetic, simple, silly, stupid sheep. The lesson here is, Don't just follow, Do. Lead. Do. Getter Done. Have some fun.

The love element of humanity is slowly being taken out of speedy society. Where's the Care? Who Cares! Life is turning into a time trial, you are just a number, a target to hit, a quick something or someone to process. Getter Done. It's time to run.