Wednesday, June 29, 2011


God is all over me, because I am all over Him.... I am in HOT pursuit of Truth. Truth that brings life transformation... not truth to get a formula or to have new knowledge...truth that awakens the perfected reality within us all.

Today - AGAPE Love has exalted itself as the Truth.
Agape Love is the greatest Love. God is Love. God is Agape.
In describing Agape, one can spend eternity defining, addressing and identifying the lengths, depths, width and heights of His love. There is only one God, from whom ALL things came and for whom we live (2 Cor 8:6).

I am reminded today of this GREATER LOVE. Simply put as unconditional love.

Examine yourself whether or not you are acting & reacting from this place of unconditional love. Are you willing to love for love's sake? In the midst of all the emotional toil (anger, frustration, pain), Agape SUPERSEDES (supper-seeds) feelings and emotions and ACTS from a place of GRACE. It is a greater love. A love that is in each person's heart (spirit) and a love that conquers pain, strife and fear.

Each & Every Day.

In the way we are hearing - filter it through Agape.
In the way we are speaking - speak with Agape.
In the way we are thinking - think Agape.
In the way we are perceiving - perceiving through Agape.
The way that we are living - live in Agape!

As soon as we put a condition on our love for ourselves and for another, we are falsifying love. When we say, "I love you BUT..." We have just put a condition on our love and that condition is filled with bondage and not Agape.

Agape has the freedom to love and it perceives the best in ourselves and others. I does not put expectations on others, it just IS.

Is freeing. Is empowering. Is True.

Receive Life as Agape Love and act/react from that place of grace.

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