Wednesday, June 29, 2011


God is all over me, because I am all over Him.... I am in HOT pursuit of Truth. Truth that brings life transformation... not truth to get a formula or to have new knowledge...truth that awakens the perfected reality within us all.

Today - AGAPE Love has exalted itself as the Truth.
Agape Love is the greatest Love. God is Love. God is Agape.
In describing Agape, one can spend eternity defining, addressing and identifying the lengths, depths, width and heights of His love. There is only one God, from whom ALL things came and for whom we live (2 Cor 8:6).

I am reminded today of this GREATER LOVE. Simply put as unconditional love.

Examine yourself whether or not you are acting & reacting from this place of unconditional love. Are you willing to love for love's sake? In the midst of all the emotional toil (anger, frustration, pain), Agape SUPERSEDES (supper-seeds) feelings and emotions and ACTS from a place of GRACE. It is a greater love. A love that is in each person's heart (spirit) and a love that conquers pain, strife and fear.

Each & Every Day.

In the way we are hearing - filter it through Agape.
In the way we are speaking - speak with Agape.
In the way we are thinking - think Agape.
In the way we are perceiving - perceiving through Agape.
The way that we are living - live in Agape!

As soon as we put a condition on our love for ourselves and for another, we are falsifying love. When we say, "I love you BUT..." We have just put a condition on our love and that condition is filled with bondage and not Agape.

Agape has the freedom to love and it perceives the best in ourselves and others. I does not put expectations on others, it just IS.

Is freeing. Is empowering. Is True.

Receive Life as Agape Love and act/react from that place of grace.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Word of the Day: Exacerbated

Tip of the Day: Don't make things worse!

Mood of the moment: Tired & a weird gitty.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Standing in Prayer

"You have to respond! You have to be quick to respond!

Get your preacher head out of your way.

Get what you’ve learned in your head, out of your way.

And be like a child every time, always ready to learn. Always ready to be led in a fresh way. Always ready to pray in tongues in a way you haven’t, that’s one way you practice that. Is by praying in tongues like the first time where you don’t know. You said, well how do you pray in tongues? Do you remember that? Somebody said, well you follow the Holy Spirit. What do you mean you follow the Holy Spirit? What’s it sound like? I don’t know how you learn that! You don’t learn it, you follow! You do that same thing in tongues right now, don’t try to pray in tongues like you always do. Look for a different flow, look for a different unction, look for a different sound, look for a different expression, I don’t try to make one up but watch, “I will station myself on my post of observation and watch to see what He will say within me. And what answer I am to make as His mouth piece.” It is not all just paragraphs and sentences. Sometimes the answer to make is a cry out. Sometimes the answer to make is silence. Sometimes it’s silence and stillness, sometimes it’s silence and yearning, sometimes it’s silent crying, sometimes it is a silent determination, sometimes it’s a silent standing in who you are. Look at all the ways we just named in being silent. Have you ever communicated without saying a word? Mothers have... we are equipped… Sometimes that’s the place you take in prayer. Having done all, didn’t He say it, having done all to stand! Sometimes we lose our place by just talking too much. Just standing!

That doesn’t mean anything, unless there’s faith behind it. If there’s faith in this stance you just take, the devil can feel you, circumstances can feel you. Why, it’s faith. But it’s faith in a place in prayer, in His presence; it’s coming out of Him in you. It’s not you, it’s Him in You. We find those places by watching to see what answer He will make – we will make within us – He will make within us as His mouthpiece. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Bless the Lord, Bless the Lord. Thank You, Jesus." (Pastor Terri)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

RUN REVELATIONS: Foundation of Success

Word Up: Lesson 1

What is the important part in building a sturdy new home or temple or any kind of structure?
The foundation!

Matthew 7:24-27 (NIV): The Wise and Foolish Builders

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

This passage highlights the importance of having a solid foundation. Hearing the words of God and putting them into practice is wise because it enables you to prosper in that thing. You will not fail because what you are building will not fall! As Jesus spoke, "these words of mine" or "the Word of God", is the starting point in every successful endeavor. And the building process is just that, a process that takes consistent practice. Sometimes it seems that "these words of mine" are hidden treasures that just show up and are revealed. However, other times they can be hidden treasures awaiting a hunter but wanting to be found. But they are for anyone and everyone who is listening, who is waiting, who is seeking, "everyone who hears".

"Every person that is listening to the Word that God is speaking and puts that Word into action is wise because they will build their temple on the rock of revelation, which never fails, falls or fades" (AST - Adam Slater Translation).


The rock of revelation that lit an everlasting fire within me was spoken through John 8:31-32. Many of us have heard this scripture before, "Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free". Although this is not incorrect, it is definitely incomplete. How many times in this life have we known what to do, but didn't do it, resulting in no change and remaining in the same bondage. Knowing the truth of a matter is good but it does not change a situation if it is not acted upon. An obese person can know the truth about how to lose weight, however if they don't start changing their daily routines of how they eat and what they are doing, that person remains fat. In John 8:31-32 Jesus says, "If you ABIDE in my word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free" (AMP). The word abide comes from the Greek word menō, this means to continue, to remain, to sojourn, not to depart -to continue to be present or to be held, kept, continually. There is an overwhelming indication of consistency. When you are consistent in doing his teaching, you are truly his disciples (being disciplined by love to reveal his glory). THEN, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free! It is consistency that holds the power to every breakthrough. If I want to be successful in life, be successful in my body, then I need to be consistent in what I know is the truth (abiding in the wisdom I hear from God) and that truth will bring freedom.

This is revelation: Consistency is the source of power that will change any situation. But consistency in what? Hearing and living out the words that God speaks. We need to Word Up! Fill yourself with the word which pertains to your situation, hearing "the words of mine" and abiding in those words, which lead to truth and bring complete freedom. However, please do not misunderstand, I am not just saying, "read more Bible". God is a living speaking Spirit. Abiding in the Word of God is essential but limiting God to just the biblical text is also incomplete. Abiding in the words that God speaks, tuning into God's voice and allowing the Good Teacher to instruct, lead, guide, and show you the way to consistently go. God can speak to you through a book, music, dance, silence, family, friends, nature, and countless other avenues. Hearing His voice is truth revealed that will always bring inner peace and be in perfect alignment with the Bible itself. It is our duty to hear the truth (from whichever avenue) and abide in that truth through a consistent advancing practice.

Listen, learn and then launch into the word and direction He is showing you.

In my next post, I will share the first Word that the Lord revealed to me that has led to prospering in my spirit, soul and body....



For a while now I have wanted to share the motivation behind my success in consistently running and in the process losing close to 20 lbs.

A Seed Planted
It all started a couple years ago with a conversation surrounding P90X. The revelation sprung out of me in this conversation when I said, "if you do anything for 90 days straight you will see results! You could run for 90 days get results." When I initially spoke this I did not recognize the power that had been released. The seed was planted but it did not take root right away.

I don't know what it is, in our lives that we feel so busy, lazy and bogged down with stuff. The last thing we have time for is to take care of ourselves. We are too busy picking up after kids, getting another meal on the table, going to work, changing diapers, getting this and doing that, but not taking that time to edify ourselves... However, whatsoever you truly DESIRE you can have (or create). The issue is DESIRE, not time or lack thereof.

Another seed planted:
Speaking with another friend from Calgary, he told me about a book that he had recently read entitled, Born to Run. This novel is based on a true story, and it not only fueled the fire of my desire to be active, it confirmed the means by which I was called to train. We are all born to run, and run I shall.