Friday, May 29, 2009


We live in a fast paced world, a microwave-fast food society, we want things now, we want things yesterday, We want more, better, faster. If you write a post, then you expect feedback right away. It's now, it's fresh. It's today's thought and tomorrow there will be something new going on, something better, more controversial, more challenging, something better to debate - discuss - distract. Offend you today, befriend you tomorrow, what's it all worth??
Convenience. When did convenience become ruler over the developed world? I guess, convenience is a result of development. But in sight of this much was lost along the way. A microwaved rubber meal, burger on the go = zero nutrients, false favor. Life has become full of filler. There is no self-control. No self-control=RECESSION. Where's the meaning, the worth, the nutrients?
All this rambling gets me no where. It very well could be a pointless ramble about something that equates to nothing, in which no one reads or responds, at least not now, not while it's HOT. These old words, this old starting to cool down....

1 comment:

  1. Love your new site, Ad! I always enjoy reading your thoughts.
