Thursday, June 9, 2011



For a while now I have wanted to share the motivation behind my success in consistently running and in the process losing close to 20 lbs.

A Seed Planted
It all started a couple years ago with a conversation surrounding P90X. The revelation sprung out of me in this conversation when I said, "if you do anything for 90 days straight you will see results! You could run for 90 days get results." When I initially spoke this I did not recognize the power that had been released. The seed was planted but it did not take root right away.

I don't know what it is, in our lives that we feel so busy, lazy and bogged down with stuff. The last thing we have time for is to take care of ourselves. We are too busy picking up after kids, getting another meal on the table, going to work, changing diapers, getting this and doing that, but not taking that time to edify ourselves... However, whatsoever you truly DESIRE you can have (or create). The issue is DESIRE, not time or lack thereof.

Another seed planted:
Speaking with another friend from Calgary, he told me about a book that he had recently read entitled, Born to Run. This novel is based on a true story, and it not only fueled the fire of my desire to be active, it confirmed the means by which I was called to train. We are all born to run, and run I shall.

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