Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Call to the Cross

Yesterday I met a man who was traveling home on a bereavement fare. The grieving man informed me that his Father had passed away. I inquired if it was expected or not. The following story proceeded. My Father, Mother, and Sister went to Dairy Queen in Mission. My mom and sister went forward to the counter to get my father a strawberry milkshake, as he sat at the back of the restaurant by the window. An older man was driving outside into a parking stall, but instead of pressing the brake to park, he stepped on the accelerator and crashed into the DQ sandwiching and killing my father between the truck and the table....
All I could say was "that is awful, I’m sorry for your loss". Although I wanted to say more, wanted to console the man in his grief, wanted to inquire about his family’s beliefs-faith-hope-love, but I was at a loss of words.
What a story though. I couldn't believe it. From the bliss of a strawberry milkshake to the bite of death. Sudden disaster. Life can be taken in seconds or years. I guess when your numbers called it’s time to go.

Death is a reality we all have to face. It’s not a good time - easy - comfortable conversation, but it is a fact and it deserves to be faced. It is the one life experience that we ALL share as living creatures. DEATH! It is The End and it is Definite.

Consider your options. Search your heart. Face the fact that at any given time you will die.

Should we not face this fact daily?
I have never liked to talk about death, never liked funerals much either. I avoid them at all costs. However, in the last week with hearing this tragic story and attending a great funeral service, I have been thinking & facing the big question of death. Now, when I was thinking about updating my *facebook status, I wanted to incorporate death. I want people to think about the end. About something that matters. Something that has eternal consequences (in one way or another). You may assume that (one way or another) is implying Heaven and Hell, which is my truth, but some don't believe in a Heaven and Hell, yet still there is eternal consequences which can also imply your legacy here on earth. (get UNDERSTANDING)
Nonetheless - *Facebook - A.Slater is contemplating death! Probably isn't going to sit well with most viewers. A.Slater is dying and you are too; A.Slater is realizing that at any moment you will die! Not really an uplifting message for the day.

Death needs to be faced. Daily realize that this given day could be your last. Moreover, live today as though it is your last. I am challenged by this revelation and now encouraged by death to awaken life. To truly Live. Live loud and Love hard. The Bible says, "To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain". The Living Spirit of God is slowly revealing the depth of this truth. The CROSS. LOVE. His GRACE. Our Sacrifice. My Faith.

The Holy Bible - It is the message, the truth, the option I choose to live by. The work of Jesus Christ dying on the cross is the ultimate act of LOVE. Through my act of believing in this holy sacrifice, the Grace of God covers my life. Christ now lives in me, I live in Him. I choose to follow the righteous way. The fear of death is conquered. It's not about me, my family or friends. It's about serving a living God and bringing glory to his name - in life or death. A life of balance. (complex math in a simple formula: Adam+Amanda=Balance=Success)

Although death is still a little depressing, we don't need to fear death, face the fact, live and act. Greater is He living in me, then he that is in the world. In Him is Life Abundant. Satan (the princess of death) is a defeated foe because of the Cross. "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it." (Luke 9:23-24)

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose”(Romans 8:28)

The practical way - Live for today, Plan for tomorrow.


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