Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Biggest Loser: The Contradiction of Society
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Getter Done!
Too often, too much, too many times we pass the buck. Put it off. Leave the Dish in the Sink. Don't take the time or put in the effort, or even take the initiative. We are Sheep. Dumb, pathetic, simple, silly, stupid sheep. The lesson here is, Don't just follow, Do. Lead. Do. Getter Done. Have some fun.
The love element of humanity is slowly being taken out of speedy society. Where's the Care? Who Cares! Life is turning into a time trial, you are just a number, a target to hit, a quick something or someone to process. Getter Done. It's time to run.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Ta-Ta To Meats
Ta-Ta to Ham: You are a thick pig. You were good on a sandwich with some swiss, but you will be easily replaced.
Ta-Ta to Ginger Beef: You are China's finest, even though you were founded in Calgary, Alberta. I will miss you. You changed "Chinese food" in Canada (which is not really Chinese food at all) forever. You make the Caucasian feel ethnic. Ginger Beef, you are a rare treasure, it is so hard to find a premier you, but when you do, you stay faithful to that Chinese restaurant. It's all because of you ginger beef. You are Chinese Food, you complete any rice dish. Us "whities" thank you.
Ta-Ta to Hot Dogs: Combination meat, mystery meat, i will miss your convenience. You were a King in elementary school, you even had a day named after you. But I now know better, you are easy to prepare and fairly tasty. You truly have no real nutrients. You still are deceiving many.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
So Goes The Scarecrow
Michael Jackson will be remembered.
Here is a post on MJ by Matthew Good (my favorite Canadian Artist). Enjoy.
So Goes The Scarecrow
Posted using ShareThis
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ramble2: Why Divorce? Sex on Fire!
Divorce surrounds us all. Much like a cancer, if it hasn’t affected you personally, it has affected many close friends or relatives. Divorce is a word that is consumed by fear. So many people are scared of marriage ("now a days"), scared of commitment, scared of getting hurt, scared of being vulnerable. Scared & Fearful of losing self, exposing self, and sharing self. Committing to a union & partnership that requires compromise, which equates to less of self. This breeds fear because life is all about self. It’s all about me, my wants, my needs, my happiness, in my timing in this nanosecond new world. I want it now, more, better, faster and with variety. Are we so deceived? We are so deceived! Deception is livin’ large these days. Deception is the Prince of the World.
So why divorce? Obviously some one's needs are not being met and if 1's needs are not being met, then 2's needs are probably being failed as well. The major causes of divorce are sex and money. In so many cases when a couple divorces, there is a third party involved and waiting, a he or a she or the money. Needs are not being met, one way or another. It’s all about me and mine.
Now as a man, writing from a man’s perspective, it's no secret, the majority of men live for sex. That is not our only need or desire, but it is a major one. And just like a women’s major need is emotional intimacy and that also needs to be fulfilled. So, man + penis =sex & women + emotionally satisfied = sex. However, in saying all that, this is what I really want to say…
In marriage, sex can not be neglected. It is man's central need. I'm not just talking about sex out of obligation or "lazy sex" (lay on your back and penetrate a hole). I'm talking about getting back to the initial "honeymoon" phase but better and bolder. Renewing and restoring the initial passion, the virginal obsession, steamy fantasies and youthful lusts. Divorce happens because sex runs dry, becomes routine, a task or is lost all together. Somewhere, somehow the adventure and variety go missing and that loss leads to a lost marriage. Someone in the relationship moves into a emotional or sexual affair to fill the void and to feel wanted, valued, desired, relieved, passion, danger, excited, and a "rush" of deliverance. For married couples it is so easy to bump sex down the priority list. We have a lot of commitments to fulfill. We got the kids, the job, the hobbies, we're tired and lazy. The needs of "the first love" (husband and wife union) are lacking, puttin' off, forgotten and left-over. But unlike pizza and lasagna, marriage don't taste as good left over. It's easy to say tomorrow, or later and then it just becomes a thought of the past. We must not let the fire go out. Marriage is worth it, and baby it's time for a poke and a stoke to fan this passion into a burning flame.
Some days things will get in the way, but it is time to seize the day. Be creative, be invested, be a giver and you will receive. Surrender to each other's desires, needs and fantasies.
Don't allow sex to tumble down your priority list, or one day a successful marriage will be missed.
My wife, I desire you more today then ever before. You are so beautiful in character and appearance. The way you mother our child is so amazing to me. You are even sexier now then when we first met. I am truly blessed to have you as a best-friend, a beautiful wife, a gifted mother, and a divine lover.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Rend by: Jimmy Needham
You’ve been tarnished
And you’ve been stained
And all the varnish you’ve used to cover up with is peeling away
Yet even now, return to me with nothing less
Than your wounded, broken heart
And cling to Me, your gracious King
Be shattered glass of empty jars and rend
Rend, rend, rend
Rend your hearts
You’ve been tarnished
And you’ve been stained
And all the varnish you’ve used to cover up with is peeling away
I don’t need a grand display
Show me that your heart has changed
I don’t need a show
Only just to know your own heart breaks
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
LOVE is a Strong Word
What can I do for God? What can I do for others? Sound like the great commandment of love? Well those are the two basic questions that we need to ask ourselves. Today, I am being led into a direction that is a little uncomfortable. One that requires desire and disciple which leads to delight and needs to be filled with complete faith as I remain committed to prayer. As I read my devotional today, a spark was being re-lite in my heart and the fuel was being poured on. And my hope is that a fire will burn so bright that others will see the light.
My desire is for my many "unsaved", secular, worldly, work-during-the-day-drunk-at-night friends to come into the light, the truth. To come to the realization that there is a living God who came to the earth He created and died so they can truly live. So they can have a hope, a purpose, and come to realize their divine plan.
So my conviction is to pray for three of my closest friends for 30 days, and truly believe for fruitful results. Conversations that matter. Ultimately for the Salvation for their souls. The passage below gives great revelation on how to specifically pray for this Salvation to become a reality.
"You see, in spite of the fact that most all unbelievers who have purposely refused to receive Jesus as Lord think they've made that decision of their own free will, the truth is, they haven't. The Word of God says they've been blinded by Satan. He's blocking their perception of the truth. So their decision hasn't been freely made at all.
That's important for you to grasp. Because through the prayer of intercession, you can interfere with the satanic forces and help take those blinders off! You can also change circumstances with your prayers and help create situations that will bring them in contact with the Lord. You're well within your spiritual rights when you do that.
I prayed with a friend of mine once who'd been praying for his lost brother for years. Jesus said in Matthew 12:29 to first bind the strong man and then enter his house and spoil his goods. So we said, "You spirit blinding the eyes of ______________, you stop what you are doing to keep him out of the kingdom of God. In Jesus' Name, you stop NOW!"
Jesus also said in Matthew 9:38, "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." So we prayed, "Lord, send someone to ____________ with the Word of God. You know who he will listen to. We claim _____________ for the kingdom of God. We believe we receive his salvation and deliverance. In faith we praise You for it.""
2 Corinthians 4 states;
1 Therefore, since God in his mercy has given us this new way, we never give up. 2 We reject all shameful deeds and underhanded methods. We don’t try to trick anyone or distort the word of God. We tell the truth before God, and all who are honest know this.
3 If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. 4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
5 You see, we don’t go around preaching about ourselves. We preach that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we ourselves are your servants for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
7 We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.
God is so Good. My godless friends need a intimate love relationship with our Saviour Jesus. My heart goes out to them for their eternal destiny. Do you have a person in your life that needs the love of God?? I believe we all have at least one person already on our hearts and in our mind that needs our daily prayer for salvation. Who needs to see the light, needs the blinders removed and the saving power of God's living Spirit.
My 30 day challenge to myself and to those who are bold enough to journey for the lost is this: For 30 consecutive days pray specifically for 1 to 3 unsaved family members or close friends. Set aside specific days to sacrifice for them by adding fasting for the powerful results for this loved ones soul. 30 days of commitment, of praise and thanking God for the salvation of their souls. Pray for labours in the harvest to come and bring powerful words of thee abundant life through Jesus Christ the living God. Finally expect a supernatural conversation of confirmation with this loved one that will ignite and encourage your faith through the faithful sacrifice of our prayers offered.
This action will take real faith! For me, when I think about this (in the natural) it is almost impossible and unlikely that I will see a significant transformation in my friends. It seems so far fetched because for so long I have seen their character and know how they live. However, if I diligently pray for them, sacrifice, and exercise my faith, I will boldly expect results. I am believing for fruit-filled conversations about the grace of God.
I believe in God. I believe in the harvest. I believe in the power and the love of God. I believe God answers prayer. I know God responds to diligent sacrifice. I know God can do abundantly more than I can ever expect or imagine. He is MORE than enough. And I know with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!
Will you journey with me? Will you take on this bold challenge?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A Call to the Cross
All I could say was "that is awful, I’m sorry for your loss". Although I wanted to say more, wanted to console the man in his grief, wanted to inquire about his family’s beliefs-faith-hope-love, but I was at a loss of words.
What a story though. I couldn't believe it. From the bliss of a strawberry milkshake to the bite of death. Sudden disaster. Life can be taken in seconds or years. I guess when your numbers called it’s time to go.
Death is a reality we all have to face. It’s not a good time - easy - comfortable conversation, but it is a fact and it deserves to be faced. It is the one life experience that we ALL share as living creatures. DEATH! It is The End and it is Definite.
Consider your options. Search your heart. Face the fact that at any given time you will die.
Should we not face this fact daily? I have never liked to talk about death, never liked funerals much either. I avoid them at all costs. However, in the last week with hearing this tragic story and attending a great funeral service, I have been thinking & facing the big question of death. Now, when I was thinking about updating my *facebook status, I wanted to incorporate death. I want people to think about the end. About something that matters. Something that has eternal consequences (in one way or another). You may assume that (one way or another) is implying Heaven and Hell, which is my truth, but some don't believe in a Heaven and Hell, yet still there is eternal consequences which can also imply your legacy here on earth. (get UNDERSTANDING)
Nonetheless - *Facebook - A.Slater is contemplating death! Probably isn't going to sit well with most viewers. A.Slater is dying and you are too; A.Slater is realizing that at any moment you will die! Not really an uplifting message for the day.
Death needs to be faced. Daily realize that this given day could be your last. Moreover, live today as though it is your last. I am challenged by this revelation and now encouraged by death to awaken life. To truly Live. Live loud and Love hard. The Bible says, "To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain". The Living Spirit of God is slowly revealing the depth of this truth. The CROSS. LOVE. His GRACE. Our Sacrifice. My Faith.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Convenience. When did convenience become ruler over the developed world? I guess, convenience is a result of development. But in sight of this much was lost along the way. A microwaved rubber meal, burger on the go = zero nutrients, false favor. Life has become full of filler. There is no self-control. No self-control=RECESSION. Where's the meaning, the worth, the nutrients?
All this rambling gets me no where. It very well could be a pointless ramble about something that equates to nothing, in which no one reads or responds, at least not now, not while it's HOT. These old words, this old starting to cool down....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
(Romans 8:28)
This is the true optimism. We hear the words optimist and pessimist often, and see them in the newspaper. The one believes this to be the best possible world and the other that it is the worst possible. There are those who do not accept God’s word, and they look upon the disappointments and hardships about them and become pessimists. There are others who look upon the bright side, participate in the pleasures of life and see only its good side; they believe things are getting better and better — that it will all come out right, they are optimists. There have always been these two classes in society: the Greeks had their weeping and their laughing prophet.
The text is the basis of true optimism. “Whatever is, is right,” is true only in a limited sense. It is not true that the thing is right in itself. The text, you observe, does not stop with the affirmation, “all things work together for good.” Some people in quoting stop there; but the sentence is not complete without the words which follow “to them that love God.” The individual thing may be harmful, and if it stood by itself would bring harm and harm only but the truth of the text is in the “all things” taken together.
If you had your way, you would have no wants ungratified; life would be all pleasure; no rude winds should blow, and no chilling blasts should touch the cheek of those you love. Life is very complex; all things, the pleasant, the sad, the helpful and the severe — all things are working together for good to those that love God.
Some say, do not deal with things so far away; give us thoughts that touch our everyday life. Don’t these thoughts touch everyday life? The clouds some days look far away, but they come down to us in gentle showers, else all nature would become sere and brown, withered and dead. So these high, heavenly things must come down and influence our everyday lives.
The apostle says “we know that all things work together for good.” How do we know? We understand scripture by taking it in its connection. Compare scripture with scripture. This text stands as the climax of that which went before. The apostle has been arguing concerning justification by the law, justification by faith, and sanctification, showing what the law can do towards making a man holy, and what is done under grace: “For, as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” “if children then heirs, joint heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.” Observe the thought: “Joint heirs, joint sufferers, if so be we may be also glorified together.” This, then, is a reason why God leaves his children here to suffer. Paul accounts for the fact that they are left to suffer until they be united with Christ in glory. You will never be successful in winning your child to the new life; you will never bring your Sunday school class to Jesus until you suffer; until you are deeply in earnest “for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together” “and not only they, but ourselves also,” “the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” But says Paul “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”
The first point is consolation, in the assurance of future glory; the second point, we live in a suffering world, in earnest expectation, “waiting for the time when we shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption,” and rejoice in the glorious liberty of the children of God. Mrs. Browning in the “Drama of Exile” takes Adam and Eve where Milton left them, exiles from Eden. Dimmer and dimmer sound the heavenly harmonies, and wailing and lament become more and more loud. Wild shriek the hawks, fierce howl the wolves.
The heart of earth, once calm, is trembling like
The ragged foam along the ocean waves:
The restless earthquakes rock against each other.
The elements move ’round me and I wail, I wail.
The golden age of the Greeks was in the past; the golden age of the Bible is in the future. This world is not a purgatory, neither is it a paradise. “All things,” some pleasant, some sad, joy — sorrow, waiting for the redemption, which shall come.
The third point: we are saved by hope. Hope is something future, “if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.”
Fourth: the Spirit helps with our infirmities, helps us bear the ills and trials of life.
How does the Spirit help? Among the Greeks and Romans the advocate had a two-fold function. He not only appeared for the client, but he prepared the address which the client would deliver — prepared for him his plea. The Spirit not only makes intercession for us, appears before the throne as our advocate, but teaches us what to say, gives right thoughts, works in us deep desire and strong purpose, indites our heart’s petition, a prayer blessing and acceptable to God: For “we know not what we should pray for as we ought.” Now comes the text, as a climax: Why this suffering, why this intercession, why this hope? that we may know that all things work together for good: the suffering as important as the enjoyment.
How do we know these things? He tells in the words which follow: “All things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose,” for the reason, “Whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate.” According to the eternal purpose of God, this constitutes a series of things sure to be; the last as important as the first link in the chain. These things are sure to those who love God.
So strange that we get hold of some passages of Scripture, and twist them and turn them to our own discomfort and hurt. We hear about that terrible doctrine of predestination. To the apostle this doctrine was the greatest consolation. It was the reason which assured him that all things shall work together for good. If the doctrine is a terrible one, it is because it is looked upon from a different point of view from that of the apostle. What is salvation worth if you save yourself? A salvation worth anything is that planned and perfected by Omnipotent, Almighty God. If one says “Well, if I’m predestinated to be saved I shall be. There is no use of my doing anything.” If you say this, and thus, refuse to do, it is sure evidence that you are not a child of God. Jonathan Edwards said, “Perseverance to the end is the only infallible proof of being in a state of grace.”
“The doctrine,” says one, “is liable to perversion.” Everything can be perverted. Salvation based upon God’s eternal wish and purpose is not a doctrine to be afraid of — rather something for which to be profoundly grateful. If a man wants to love God, what is there to prevent it? If he doesn’t wish to love God, why does he find fault about it? Everything will look kinky, and crooked, and wrong — from the standpoint of observation. Here is the foundation of our hope: “If God be for us who can be against us?” There are people and forces which may try to oppose and hinder, but “He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things.”
In the last days of the war, the good President spent much of his time hearing appeals of wives, mothers and sisters in behalf of husbands, sons and brothers. Military law was strict and severe, but the word of the President set it all aside. No matter for military law if the President signed a pardon. O, man, if God is for us, who can be against us? “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him freely give us all things?” such a priceless gift is assurance of every other gift.
“Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, yea, rather, that is risen again, who is ever at the right hand of God, who makes intercession for us,” and so all things must, shall work together for good. “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifies.” “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” Not separate from our love to him, but from Christ’s love to us? “Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or peril, or sword?” These things seem 10,000 miles away from us at this day, but they were very near when Paul wrote these words. “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”
O, human heart, bowed down with grief and perplexity, trust in his love and submit with heart devotion, and bear in quiet, steady patience, all tribulation and trial, for we know that all these things “work together for good to them that love God.”
We cannot fully understand now, but when we stand upon the heights of glory, we shall look back with joy on the things we suffered, for we shall know then that our severest trials were a part of the “all things” which worked together for our eternal good.